Enjoy Continuous Private Searching

Private Search offers you a quick link from inside the autocomplete suggestions of your address bar to search with a private search engine


1 Install the Extension


Add this extension to your Chrome browser directly from Google Chrome Web Store

2 Enter a search query


Enter a search query in the address bar of your browser.

3 Select a private search


Once a privacy-related keyword is detected, you will be offered to search it with a private search engine.

Change your default search provider

After this extension has been added to your browser, we modify your default search engine to Yahoo in order to provide the functionality of private search from within the autocomplete area of your search bar.

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Security in your browser

Once a privacy-related keyword is detected in your address bar, we will prompt you an option in the autocomplete area to continue searching for the same keywords with your configured private search engine.

Get started now

Frequently Asked Questions

For most of people, using a private search engine 24/7 is not a norm. What about a smart extension that intelligently detects privacy-related keywords and only offer users to search with a private search engine when they really need to? This is the concept of Private Search.

To provide the key functionality of this extension, we need to change your default search provider to our private domain in order to modify your autocomplete area.

Yes, it's a free extension from the Google Chrome Web Store

Our extension intelligently detects when you type a privacy-related search query and will generate a quick link for you to look up the same information with a private search engine

Please refer to the uninstallation instruction on the Uninstall page.